Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Evening Dress Cheap Price For Rent In Manila

Many photos!

Hello to all surviving friends of this blog.

Today the post is full of photos, I know, I could use them to post more post, but given the laziness to me when I take those All my 5 minutes of relaxation, I prefer to post all at once rather than to spend weeks and weeks.
What's new?
So, while last Saturday was the 8th meeting of crocettine Puglia, during which, in addition to celebrating the first anniversary of the group, we also celebrated Christmas and we exchanged gifts.
start with the photos of all jobs created for the lottery

As beautiful?
And to think that the idea proposed was to make a small ornament on the Christmas tree ... ^___^
Here the beautiful banner with an adorable Santa Claus PS, a combination that I adore, embroidered and packaged by the skilful hands of Silvana!
is perfect, Silvana is a magician of the needle!
My ornament there I had already shown, though not assembled, of course, is not remotely comparable to that of Silvana .... then I'll explain why ...

I said that is not comparable because they received the ornament I have learned, on this occasion, that it is better if I stick to this classic packaging, rather than let me take your hand from the trials because I get the results somewhat disappointing experiment and this time, he has paid the fees to which I gave Tina a like-bearing: (

embroidery and say that I adore ..., sorry Tina;

and now other gifts I received from my friends:

bearing a delicate embroidered and packaged by Francesca sweet / Sysca

a happy perky ddobbo made by Marina, who, despite her back incriccata, embroidered like a lunatic during his illness ^___^

and, finally, since December 6th was my birthday a couple of gifts for that occasion:

these scissors Sajou enriching further my collection,

by Marina, Tina, Camilla and Francesca

and felt a very pretty tree, created by Rosanna (not me, eh, but my same name)

I have the house full of beautiful works, all coming from my friends!