Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Compering College Function

You could avoid the

when something breaks, there's always something else that could be avoided.
and strangely most of the dead, they hurt the gestures.
the senselessness of all this I can not explain it.
the fact is that in humans the loss of life seems to always search.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dr. Michael Prytula Has Helped Me Get Better


I was an intellectual by calloused hand, and now I come to you that you have the middle school.
take me to the beach to watch the nettles that are still there, but it did feel like me.
look beyond that: I would like it removed the mask, in his pre-movement, in its idea of \u200b\u200bfemininity studied.
mine is a vein destruction innate.
'll never precofenzionato a gesture to art.
my be pure poetry.
'll teach you to shit on the poems of leopards.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Queens Court House/marriage License


The great thing about birthdays in December, then Santa Claus (in the guise of dear friends) continues to deliver gifts after Christmas and it is beautiful!
Here is a gift from Stephen

and below the gift received from Anna Rita

Thank you dear friends!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hiv Lifespan The Body Several Minutes The Body

Rich dish

Happy New Year to all.
It 'been a month (December) very rich and busy, I had little time to realize everything that I wanted to do, but in return I received a lot of pride and I show my jewelry!
Sit back because I have so much to show:
From Patrizia (pattylallo) pinkeep with this scissor fob Passion Embroidery

by Carmen (the reds) a magnificent scissor fob that enriches this fine scissors and a postcard carried out by his holy hands

from Marina, I
donor has, therefore, the companion of the previous post

by Paola (dots)

a box beautifully decorated
also in ' Internal enriched with a sweet little heart with its badges and a stylish pair of scissors combined with a scissor fob
by Claudia (piccipocci)

which has seized upon one of my challenge and I was amazed with this wonderful cushion LHN

A huge thank you to all this my dear friends that I have filled with pampering!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Letter To Confirm Volunteer Work

All About Eve

growing up, I do not know if I understand more or less.
ears and if I have all the songs of Sara Montiel in the stomach, heart and whole body trembled with anger and disappointment.
and now all the variants of gene "Eve" are me
  • are the sign of the bull: Paul Fox said that in 2011 I would be fine. When?
  • when I cry, I want to be considered for the stress I
  • flaking nails, do not eat I would try and cry
  • indifference but still can not help
  • I feel incredibly stupid for some reason I am giving two

weeks of malaise and then I get this feeling cagarla out of me.