Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gardec Flights Shower Curtain

Dear Baby Jesus ......

.... this Christmas is past and as is customary for many years, unfortunately, it seems that very few people have noticed that the birthday you!
Few children will write the letter, you have preferred that chubby man dressed in red who calls himself Santa Claus, we often see this in the malls since the early days of December and that for some years used to climb balconies and windows like a thief. It almost seems like that at all costs to steal the scene and enter strongly into our homes to be the only star of your party!
The Nativity, which, thanks to St. Francis of Assisi from 1223 represents the Nativity, has been banned to avoid offending some people who while living in Italy are not Christians and that is that in many schools it was decided not to.
O Jesus, You who are so good, who knows what you'll think to see all these changes, all the money spent on dinners and then throw in the garbage portion of the food we prepared ... when the world every year five million children die of hunger!
You know me well and know which are Christian in my own way, but I firmly believe in the values \u200b\u200bthat are scresciuta I, my parents, my grandparents and all my ancestors and I would like these Christian traditions were not affected in the country where I live and especially venisssero safeguarded.
This Christmas was for me a little difficult the first shot and I returned to the customs when I was a child, more than forty years ago when they put onto the nougat and chocolate figurines of snow up to the day Christmas is not eating, so is the cake, which I tasted for the first time at the end of Christmas dinner: it seemed more good than the other years and it was sweet to celebrate your birth ... after so many years I seemed to feel more strongly your presence and then I had the realization that a Natale poorer than material things is much richer in values!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Diagram Of A Labeled Sailboat

Sem arive at Natal domilaenöf Vori fav and the best wishes of the cribs geseta cont el de San Giuan de Bügügià, ul mè Paes.
This is the first to write in that dialect and Dumand apologize for eruri What shall I do, but I have them in ghe scrif in the language du de la me tera.
hope that makes you hip you to alter el cà voster of cribs and festegiaret birth dul noster Signuri cont de panetun tradiziunal a feta.
is't good wishes to Tuch el cont heart of a man in giuius de Natal!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Smps How It Is Working


Insubre of birth and origin, live in the province of Varese in 1976 and, last but not least, married for 28 years with a Insubre DOC: native Azzate (VA) to paternal origin of S . Ambrogio Varese and maternal Teglio in Valtellina.
As a young girl, fresh "Varese", heard a Bernardino Luini which intestario of the street where the clinic was located and I never asked him who he was (let's call it innocent ignorance!) Until I had to do "guide" to that of Milan to a large group of cousins \u200b\u200bfrom Milwaukee, a town perhaps best known for the set of Happy Days that as the seat of the facilities of the legendary Harley Davidson, planning a quick walking tour of Milan. Because you have one day to show them the city of Milan, pianificai an itinerary that took them first to visit the Last Supper in Santa Maria delle Grazie, and the basilica of Sant'Ambrogio, the Duomo, Teatro alla Scala, Royal Palace, then Sforzesco Castle ... a kind tour de force which began and ended at the Cadorna station forecourt.
along the stretch from the basilica dedicated to the patron saint of the Cathedral, in Corso Magenta that my attention was caught by a yellow sign that signaled the church of San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore with frescoes by Bernardino Luini .... "The street of the dispensary !!!". Intrigued, I pretended to be kept informed in the show to my relatives' yenkees "spend the money, which made me excited at the sight of such magnificence.
have elapsed since then about 30 years and my interest sull'Insubria made me investigate, among other things that Bernardino Luini native Runo (fraction of Dumenza) in 1481, a pupil of Leonardo da Vinci, whose works are exhibited in major museums worldwide.
Saturday (better late than never!) I was excited watching the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ "the magnificent fresco of the church Santa Maria degli Angeli day in Lugano, painted Insubrian dating back to 1529.
My visits to the city Ticino's lake very often especially in autumn when the colors of this beautiful season and the mists of the lake allow me to take that kind of picture that I prefer, but despite my continuous visits I had never walked into that church located on Via Nassa in the square dedicated to Bernardino Luini and the public as a series of photographs reproduced in sequence on the right side of this blog.
year to wish "Merry Christmas" I wanted to "steal" the image of the beautiful painting "Nativity and Annunciation to the shepherds" exhibited at the Louvre in Paris, reinforcing my desire to keep alive our identity in a show of masterpieces by Bernardino Luini, a Renaissance painter, was born in Insubria.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Highlights For Dark Brown Hair Pale Skin


Afternoon home on the day dedicated to St. Ambrose and while I was a programming on Sky I realized with great pleasure, that at the Milan theater before the channel "Classic" was clear to all subscribers from 1 to 12/07/2009 and passionate of operatic music I am not wanted to lose the opportunity to see Bizet's Carmen , but with great regret that I lost the magnificent "Nabucco" aired on December 3!
After a masterly performance of the Hymn of Mameli, already the overture I did understand that one of Maestro Daniel Barenboim would be a great direction, such as' Carmen interpretation of young mezzo-soprano Anita Rachvelishvili and Don Jose , Jonas Kaufman , the commendable level that is considered by all to be the heir of Placido Domingo, as well as choirs and other performers.
The only discordant note is without doubt the director Emma Dante, which has not been able to convey to the public that the heat of Seville where you set this beautiful work.
I abstained from commenting the scenes while watching, first and foremost not to miss any step, and then to be told by my husband who are the usual Criticona, but seeing the various services that television viewers of the gallery (the only real connoisseurs!) have been singing for 'precisely directed, I have held on so superficial.
I read in the newspapers that the director said he had never seen an opera, much less ever having seen the La Scala opera house, so I wonder if it was just the case to give him the first director of La Scala !
close with my personal thought: why not always open the opera season of the theater of Piermarini with a work by an Italian musician? Without detracting from the beauty of "Carmen" that I love ... but we gave birth to the greatest masters of opera!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Confirmation Of Volunteering Work

wonderful nature .... Stick to it!

I like reading and sometimes I hardly read a book in one breath.
It happened to me today, "Crystal River" by Sergio Bambarén, a writer who appreciated for his sensitivity, which can be perceived since the cover, below where the title is his quote: "We are the Nature. Learn to read his mood swings and learn to read yourself, "then once you've finished the book, his final quotation reads: "Treasure every sunrise, every raindrop that touches the skin, the feeling of sand between your toes ... Take the time to always stay in touch with nature, because nature is not governed by the laws and traditions . Nature is, and that's it ... "
not want to tell the story of this beautiful book, but think about what gives us the wonderful nature around the world and although we are aware, we still do not respect and sometimes fear it and destroy it . I love
any natural environment, from the sea to the mountains and going up to them I learned to know and respect the flora and fauna.
I had the chance to snorkel in the lagoons Maldives and short skin diving in the Indian Ocean, where I learned, thanks to the marine biologists who accompanied us, not to fear the many fish that we are portrayed as dangerous predators. I still vividly in mind the memory of the feeling of peace and total relaxation in the snorkel surrounded by schools of colorful fish, surgeon and angelfish, butterfly fish, different types of trigger fish, parrot fish el'emozionante meeting with big red grouper, the beautiful wrasse, schools of barracuda, blacktip reef sharks, moray eels and large manta rays encountered in the open ocean, when dropped in apnea a few feet below the surface, I passed by as much curiosity as gentle and elegant in their movements, despite their size.
The same feeling of peace when I find her hiking, where the effort to reach the summit is overwhelmed by the pleasure of living in nature, in her sweet sounds and exciting encounters with the animals that inhabit the mountains, marmots, chamois, ibex and when you look up to heaven to see an eagle.
In recent years I have noticed that there's less and less respect for nature by people who go to sea and mountain areas, leaving trash on beaches and along the paths without considering the great damage that this causes their act, as well as deforestation to build residential and tourist facilities close to ski areas or near natural beaches until recently protected.
time ago, walking on the pedestrian and cycle track to Livigno (So) I saw a little house with a beautiful writing, intrigued by this quote, I researched the web who had written and I found the text that should give pause to everyone:

When the last tree has been felled, the last river poisoned
the last fish caught,
you will find that you can not eat money.
Our land is worth more of your money.
It will last forever.
will not be destroyed even by the flames of the fire.
While the sun shines water flow,
will give rise to humans and animals.
You can not sell the lives of men and animals;
was the Great Spirit to bring this land

and we can not sell because they do not belong to us.

You can count your money and you can burn it at a time when a bison head fold, but only
the Great Spirit knows how to count the grains of sand and grass
of our land.
As a gift to you we give all we have
and you can take with you, but the earth never

Sahpo Muxika, known as crow's feet, the former head of the People of the Standing Blacks

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wikipediamilena Velba

EVER 'attacks on our Christian roots.

The Crucifix not be touched, so are all the Christian symbols that are more than 2000 years in our country. I think this thought is shared by many, whereas that have already been successfully promoted by the Northern League and PDL collected signatures against the ruling of the Strasbourg Court.
Leave aside for a moment the religious symbols and talk about integration, what many call the Italians to help against many non-EU nationals or not, who want to live in Italy.
Well I think that integration is not an issue of the Italian people, but those arriving in the beautiful country together with their family with the intention of finding a regular job and to study their children.
As we in the West we respect the religious symbols of the countries we visit for tourism should, subject to often strict rules of conduct for not going into conflict with the religious beliefs of the people who host us, should do likewise, and especially those who come to Italy to live without no claim to flaunt, as often happens.
Having said that, from an Italian citizen and Christian do not accept that someone who claims to have uplifted the crucifixes from classrooms, hospitals and public places, and I admire the Mayor of Ostra Vetere (AN) Mr. Bello that Massimo has issued an order with which it has ordered a fine of 500.00 euros for those who rob them and I hope that many of his colleagues do likewise.
Going on like this we get to that point? We ask that all be destroyed votive chapels scattered throughout the Italian territory and the various crucifixes that we find on many hiking trails, or the crosses placed on the peaks of the mountains, to also remove them from the tops of the towers, perhaps even changing the look and architectural make them look like minarets, to the delight of the many Muslims living in Italy?
I would not want that in a few years as we were advised not to wish "Merry Christmas" to avoid hurting non-Christians, whereas it has already been granted to an elementary school teacher to replace Jesus with the word "virtue" in Christmas carols and in many elementary schools have already banned the Nativity.
Unfortunately Christmas is becoming a party only consumer, so too the Advent, which begins in a few days and is considered only the period to visit the various markets, which are seen only with a grim look, no understanding religion of those who are in regions such as the South Tyrol and Austria, where Christianity is still deeply rooted.
rivers of words could be written on these issues and these days there are many open and frank discussions are incredulos to realize that there is a large group of Italians who shrugs and does not take sides in favor of the Christian roots of our country.